GFZ German research centre for geo sciences
Group photo of the participants in the historical library, among historical books and furniture.

Kyrgyz Ambassador at the GFZ

On July 15, 2024, the Kyrgyz Ambassador Omurbek Tekebaev visited the GFZ. Further possible fields of cooperation in research, education and training were discussed.
Group photo with 7 people in front of a new metal plant in a large laboratory hall.

“Our eye into the underground” inaugurated

The new TrueTriax high-pressure testing system can simulate a wide range of processes on rock samples down to 10 km depth. This provides important data for geoenergy research & applications.
Lioba Virchow in front of a rock face

Lioba Virchow geoscientist of the month June at DVGeo

The PhD student in the ‘Geoenergy’ section is being honoured by the umbrella organisation for geosciences. In addition to her hydrogeological research, she is also involved in the ‘Young FH-DGGV’.
Group photo taken from the air

Doctoral Days at GFZ

This year's Doctoral Student Days took place on 17 and 18 June under the motto "Harvesting Knowledge, Thriving together!"


16. Sep. 2024 - 20. Sep. 2024
Potsdam Summer School 2024

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