GFZ German research centre for geo sciences
GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam Deutsches Raumfahrt-Kontrollzentrum

CHAMP Bulletin No. 6

Time Period: July 21, 2000, 17:00 UTC
July 24, 2000, 17:00 UTC


In the course of the CHAMP commissioning phase several dedicated satellite attitudes have been commanded. Considering the good state of the commissioning phase, this week the bulletin will be issued every second day.

Satellite bus systems

Power: The battery charge level is stable and in the nominal range.

Thermal system: All temperatures are nominal and stable over the orbit.

Attitude and orbit control: In preparation for the digital ion driftmeter switch-on the satellite has been turned with the boom in flight direction (nominal attitude).

Onboard data handling system: The onboard processor and software run correctly.

Telemetric system: A stable transmission from/to the satellite is secured.

Scientific instruments

As the last scientific payload instrument the digital ion driftmeter (DIDM) has been switched on and shows nominal operation in the low voltage mode. The high voltage switch-on is envisaged for Wednesday.

Flight operations

Flight operations run nominally. The excellent support by the NASA polar stations network significantly contributes to a trouble-free CHAMP commissioning phase.

Satellite orbit

The CHAMP orbit is steadily recovered with different methods. An increasing number of the international laser tracking stations participate in the laser tracking campaign.

Christoph Reigber
CHAMP Project Director
GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam

Peter Mühlbauer
CHAMP Mission Operations Director
German Space Operations Center of the DLR

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