GFZ German research centre for geo sciences

Section 2.6: Seismic Hazard and Risk Dynamics

The goal of the section is to achieve progress beyond the state-of-the-art, in all steps leading to an improved assessment of probabilistic seismic hazards.

  • We analyze the stability of sub-surface fracture systems for energy technologies and carry out field experiments on fracture propagation and fault activation (Contact Arno Zang).

  • We develop 4D stress model workflows for inter- and intraplate earthquake cycles and radioactive waste repositories and manage the World Stress Map project (Contact Oliver Heidbach).

  • We develop site-specific, physics-based, and data-driven ground-shaking models for the improvement of seismic building codes (Contact Dino Bindi).

  • We compute seismic hazard assessments based on a consistent probabilistic treatment of all input data and the transparent evaluation of epistemic uncertainties (Contact Graeme Weatherill).

  • We develop methods to test the components and results of seismic hazard and risk models (ContactDanijel Schorlemmer)

  • We develop dynamic exposure models (Contact Danijel Schorlemmer) and contribute to integrated risk and early warning developments in urban areas (Contact Marco Pilz).

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