GFZ German research centre for geo sciences

Genesis Workshop - 29 February 2024

The European Space Agency (ESA) held a first science workshop on 29.02.2024 for the planned Genesis satellite mission. The workshop, held in Darmstadt, Germany, was aimed at fostering future collaboration and brought together the scientific geodesy community and the ESA project team. Prof. Dr. Jens Wickert (section head Section 1.1, GFZ), Dr. Robert Heinkelmann (group leader, Combination and VLBI Group, Section 1.1, GFZ) and Prof. Harald Schuh (former director of Department 1, GFZ) attended the workshop for instance. The goal of the Genesis mission is to improve accuracy and stability of the International Terrestrial Reference Frame (ITRF). The satellite will for the first time carry instruments for Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI), Satellite Laser Ranging (SLR), DORIS, and satellite navigation (GNSS). The key outcome of the workshop was the establishment of the Genesis Scientific Exploitation Team, which is under development.


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