GFZ German research centre for geo sciences

GFZ PhD Days 2024 – Contributions from section 1.1

GFZ PhD Days 2024 – Contributions from section 1.1

On June 17 and 18, 2024, around 80 GFZ doctoral students presented their research work at the PhD Day. One-minute short presentations (“pitches”) and subsequent poster sessions gave an insight into the projects of the young researchers.  The event provided an excellent opportunity for GFZ in-house scientific and social networking.

Section 1.1 was represented with the following contributions:

  • Xintai Yuan: Improvement of snow depth estimation using GNSS reflected signals
  • Longjiang Tang: Multi-GNSS ultra-rapid orbit determination through epoch-parallel processing
  • Christian García: TECTOVISION: Empowering GNSS Network Densification in Greece with GFZ Low-Cost Technology for Tectonic Monitoring
  • Tianqi Xiao: Artificial Intelligence for GNSS Reflectometry: Novel Remote Sensing of Ocean and Atmosphere
  • Jari Widczisk: Investigations into GNSS clock biases in a global network of IGS H-Maser stations
  • Liangwei Nie: Contribution of LEO Observations to GPS Precise Orbit Determination with Un-differenced Ambiguity Resolution

A detailed report and pictures of the event can be found at:


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