GFZ German research centre for geo sciences

Visit of Prof. Benedikt Soja

The visit of Prof. Benedikt Soja (ETH Zurich) was a highlight of our section seminar series. We were very happy to welcome our former colleague and current professor at the renowned ETH Zurich on July 09/10, 2024. Prof. Soja gave a lecture on “Sensing Key Components of the Water Cycle with Space Geodesy”. The talk was announced for the entire GFZ and was full of inspiration for the current PoF4 and upcoming PoF5 research activities. The visit was also used for in-depth discussions with our working groups to deepen the cooperation between ETHZ and GFZ. Benedikt is also the current world-champion in cross-country unicycling. He will defend this title in the second half of July 2024. For this, we wish him good luck and thank him for visiting the GFZ.

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