GFZ German research centre for geo sciences

Dr. Alexander Bartholomäus

Dr. Alexander Bartholomäus
Building A 71, Room 355 (Büro)
14473 Potsdam

Function and Responsibilities:

Bioinformatc analysis of Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) datensets to investigate interaction between microbial communities and the environment:

  • (Meta) Genomics-/Transcriptomics
  • Integration of meta data
  • Pipeline generation and optimization
  • App (R/Shiny) development

Research Interests:

  • Gen regulation and control
  • Microbial communities
  • Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS)
  • (Meta) Genomics
  • (Meta) Transcriptomics
  • Large-scale genetic analyses
  • RNA secondary structure
  • Translation & Ribosome
  • Digital image processing (RGB and hyperspectral)
  • Data visualization
  • R-programming / Shiny (WebApps)


since 2019 PostDoc at GFZ

2018-2019 Data Scientist and Web developer bei Ferchau GmbH

2016-2018 Bioinformatician at Targenomix GmbH (Research & Development)

2016 PhD in Bioinformatics (Universität Hamburg and Universität Potsdam)

2012 Master of Science in Bioinformatics (Universität Potsdam)

2010 Bachelor of Science in Moleculare and Cell Biology (Universität Potsdam)


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