GFZ German research centre for geo sciences

Alexander Jordan

IT Specialist
Alexander Jordan
Building A 42, Room 223 (Büro)
Albert-Einstein-Straße 42-46
14473 Potsdam

Function and Responsibilities:

Operation, continuous development and maintenance of Section IT for Sections 2.3 and 2.7
Acquisition, setup and operation of a total of:

  • 13 processing servers,
  • 12 storage servers,
  • 8 web servers and
  • 6 additional servers (as of 2021).

Purchase, installation and maintenance of workstation hardware in consultation with the administrative and scientific staff of the sections. Consulting, purchase and installation of software including software maintenance and license management, backup management.

Research data management of sections 2.3 and 2.7
Coordination, storage, backup of various scientific data (project data, observatory and satellite data) and making them available.

Design, operation and further development of websites and data portals
Set-up of web servers on virtual systems, development and layout of project websites (MAP, PAGER), incorporation of scientific content, graphics and video clips. Development of solutions and operation of GFZ subdomains (Kp-Index,,, as well as external scientific websites (

Scientific / technical analysis and preparation

in the context of various research results in the form of graphics, animations, posters and revision of Powerpoint presentations. Preparation of data, as well as acquisition of measurement data during field visits. Advise and assist scientists, e.g., in software-based processing of geoscience research data, presentation and preparation of scientific results, support and assistance for scientific software.

Representative for decentralized administration in Department 2

Coordination of cross-sectional IT matters, arrangement of vacation replacement for decentralized system administrators in Department 2.

Procurement officer for IT procurements in Department 2

Consultation, coordination, planning of decentralized IT, initiation of IT orders in the department >2500.-Euro, coordination with central IT and V3 for procurements >5000.-Euro. Collaboration in the development of framework agreements.

Member of the WG SuperUser-Wiki and WG Sustainable IT

Other commitments: first aider, member of the appointment committee for new hires, iInventory officer, IT committee 2016-17, since 2022 and IT strategy committee (2013-15 and 2019).

Research Boards and Committees:

IT Commission 2022

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