GFZ German research centre for geo sciences

Dr. Christian Schmidt

Function and Responsibilities:

 • responsible for hydrothermal diamond-anvil cell laboratory, Raman spectroscopy laboratory and hydrothermal laboratory

Research Interests:

·      inclusions in minerals

·      pegmatites

·      hydrothermal fluids

·      alkaline rocks and carbonatites

·      rare-metal ore deposits

·      experiments (particularly using hydrothermal diamond-anvil cell)

·      Raman spectroscopy


1997-2007       postdoctoral associate, GFZ

since 2007       senior scientist, GFZ


1983    Facharbeiter für Bergbautechnologie, SDAG Wismut, Gera, Germany

1990    Diplom-Geologe, TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany

1997    Ph.D., major: Geological Sciences, Virginia Tech, USA

2005    Habilitation in Mineralogy, TU Berlin, Germany


SPP 2238 - Dynamics of Ore Metals Enrichment – DOME (

·      First funding period:  Niobium, zirconium, titanium, and rare earth elements in alkaline silica-undersatured magmas: experimental determination of solubility, complexation and phase relations and implications for the formation of magmatic Nb-Zr-REE deposits

·      First funding period:   Experimental studies on Mo mobility in high-pressure high-temperature fluids of complex compositions

·      Second funding period: The role of fenitising fluids in the formation of Nb, Zr and REE ore deposits


Formation of rare-metal deposits (Li, Be, Sn, W): from unknown knowns and known unknowns to known knowns


Speciation in hydrothermal fluids


Various applications of Raman spectroscopy

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