GFZ German research centre for geo sciences

Dr. Christopher Otto

Dr. Christopher Otto
Building C 4, Room 1.27/1.28 (Büro)
14473 Potsdam

Function and Responsibilities:

  • Research Scientist (Postdoc)

Research Interests:

  • Energy storage options for the energy transition in former opencast mines
  • Techno-economic modelling of prospective Hybrid Pumped Hydropower Storage (HPHS) installations
  • Safe and permanent storage of carbon dioxide in geological formations (CCS)
  • Numerical simulations
  • Thermo-hydro-mechanical simulations
  • Hydrogeology


Since 2018, I have worked as a Research Scientist (Postdoc) in the Fluid Systems Modelling Section at the GFZ in several international EU-RFCS projects.




TOPS - Technology Options for Coupled Underground Coal Gasification and CO2 Capture and Storage

MEGAPlus - Unconventional MEthane Production from Deep European Coal Seams through combined Coal Bed Methane (CBM) and Underground Coal GAsification (UCG) technologies

ODYSSEUS - Coal-to-liquids supply chain integration in view of operational, economic and environmental risk assessments under unfavourable geological settings

ROCCS - Establishing a Research Observatory to unlock European Coal seams for Carbon dioxide Storage

ATLANTIS - An interdisciplinary feasibility study on hybrid pumped-hydro power storage of excess energy in open-pit coal mines

HydroMine - Development of hydrogen-oriented municipal waste refinery based on a novel borehole gasification process combined with advanced gas separation techniques


EGU Outstanding Student Poster (OSP) Award 2015

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