GFZ German research centre for geo sciences

M. Sc. Florian Schubert

M. Sc. Florian Schubert
Building A 71, Room 457 (Büro)
14473 Potsdam

Function and Responsibilities:

Ph.D. student


  • since 2018   Ph.D. student at GFZ, German Research Centre for Geosciences
  • 2018               M.Sc. in Geoscience: Mineralogy and Petrology at University of Potsdam
  • 2014               B.Sc. in Geoscience at University of Potsdam


T-Limit (Temperature Limit of the Deep Biosphere off Muroto, IODP Exp. 370)

Guaymas Basin Tectonics and Biosphere (IODP Exp. 385)

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