Dr. habil. Hans-Martin Schulz
Function and Responsibilities:
- Group leader "Fossil carbon & resources"
Research Interests:
Organic-inorganic rock-fluid-gas-microbial interactions
- Unravelling by imaging techniques on different scales
- Characterisation by applying org./inorg. chemical methods
- Quantification by applying chemical thermodynamics
- Cooperation with microbiologists
- since 2022 Member of Akademie für Geowissenschaften und Geotechnologien e.V. (geoakademie.de)
- since 2021 Visiting professor at Changsha University (China)
- 2014-2021 Co-founder and CEO of WiPS.consulting GmbH (spin-off from GFZ)
- since 2007 Senior scientist at GFZ Potsdam, Section 3.2 Organic Geochemistry
- 2004-2007 Scientific employee for CO2-Storage, BGR Hannover
- 1997 -2004 Ass. Prof. in Dep. for Petroleum Geology at TU Clausthal
- 1995-1997 PostDoc at Leibniz-Institut für Ostseeforschung Warnemünde - IOW
- 2003 Habilitation for Geology, TU Clausthal
- 1994 Dissertation, RWTH Aachen
- 1990 Diplom Geology and Paleontology, RWTH Aachen
- 1986 Vordiplom Geology and Paleontology, University Bonn
- General organic-inorganic interactions
- Organic-inorganic interactions during graphite formation at mineralic interfaces
- Organic-inorganic interactions during metal accumulation in black shale