Dr. Jens Mingram

Dr. Jens Mingram
Building C, Room 323 (Büro)
14473 Potsdam

Function and Responsibilities:

Scientific interests:

•    Late Quaternary lake sediments as archives of climate variability
•    Tertiary lake sediments and solar-terrestrial relations
•    Dynamics of the East Asian Monsoon at Glacial – Interglacial scale
•    Sedimentology, geochemistry, and microfacies analysis of lake sediments
•    Quaternary geochronology (varves and tephrochronology)
•    Lake- and environmental monitoring
•    Scientific microscopy


•     GCO-CA
•     CAHOL
•     ICDP - Eger Rift
•     TERENO - Northeast
•     Lago Grande di Monticchio


•    since 1992 scientist at GFZ Potsdam
•    since 1988 scientist at Zentralinstitut für Physik der Erde (ZIPE) Potsdam
•    1988 Dr. rer. nat. in Geology (Bergakademie Freiberg) „Lithofazielle, milieuanalytische und petrografische   Untersuchungen im höheren Saxon der südwestlichen Altmark“

Professional Skills:

•    since 1992 scientist at GFZ Potsdam, section climate dynamics and landscape evolution
•    1988-1992 scientist at ZIPE Potsdam
•    1986-1988 PhD-student at Bergakademie Freiberg and VEB Erdöl/Erdgas Gommern
•    1981-1986 diploma student (Geology) at Bergakademie Freiberg
•    09/1981 internship at central core storage oft he Central Geological Institute (ZGI) in Bernau

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