Dr. Judith Bott
C 4,
1.10 (Büro)
Function and Responsibilities:
- Senior scientist
Research Interests:
- Lithosphere-scale configuration of sedimentary basins
- Integration of geological and geophysical observations into 3D basin models
- Gravity and isostasy of basins
- Thermal field
- Stress field and tectonics
- Reconstruction of basin history
- 2017-present Senior scientist at the Helmholtz-Centre Potsdam GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences
- 2016-2017 6-months stay as guest research fellow at the University of Melbourne, School of Earth Sciences
- 2009-2016 Researcher at the Helmholtz-Centre Potsdam GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences
- 2005-2009 PhD student the Helmholtz-Centre Potsdam GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences
- 2005-2009 Promotion in Geosciences, Freie Universität Berlin and GFZ Potsdam. Doctoral thesis: „The Paleostress History of the Central European Basin System”
- 2001-2005 Studies of Geosciences at the Georg-August-Universität Göttingen. Diploma thesis (in German): „Brandschäden an ausgewählten Naturwerksteinen“ in Kooperation mit der Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und –prüfung, Diploma mapping thesis (in German): „Lithologische und strukturgeologische Diplom-Kartierung in der Sierra de San Luis, Argentinien“
- 1999-2001 Studies of Geology at the Philipps-Universität Marburg
Ongoing projects:- "Integrated 3D structural, thermal, gravity and rheological modeling of the Alps and their forelands – INTEGRATE" as part of the DFG-SPP 2017 "MB4D Mountain-Building Processes in 4-Dimensions"
- "Subproject III: Subsurface temperature models of Hesse and reassessment of the deep and moderately deep geothermal potentials of Hesse“ as part of the BMWi-funded project "Hessen 3D 2.0"
- "3D lithosphere-scale density and thermal structure of the Central Andean foreland basins"as part of the DFG-IRTG IGK2018 StRATEGy
- "Thermal modelling for the Upper Rhine Graben" as part of the EU project IMAGE (grant agreement No: 608553)
- "3D structural and thermal models of the Sydney Basin"
- "Kenya 3D: Rift structure and evolution"
- “Exploration of geothermal reservoirs in the city of Berlin”
Completed projects:
- “Lithospheric-scale 3D-structural and thermal models of the Barents Sea and Kara Sea region”
- “Basin Analysis and Petroleum System Characterisation of the Western Bredasdorp Basin (South Africa) - Insights from a 3D Crust-Scale Model” as part of the programme INKABA ye'AFRICA
- “Crustal-scale geological and thermal models of the Beaufort-Mackenzie Basin, Arctic Canada” as part of the programme MOM (Methane On the Move)
- “3D lithosphere-scale modelling of the South Atlantic passive continental margins with focus on the South African and Argentine segments” as part of the DFG priority programme 1375 SAMPLE
- “Palaeostress analysis in the Central European Basin System” as part of the DFG priority programme 1135