GFZ German research centre for geo sciences

Dr. Julia Mitzscherling

Dr. Julia Mitzscherling
Building A 71, Room 324 (Büro)
14473 Potsdam

Function and Responsibilities:

Postdoctoral Researcher

Research Interests:

- microbial life in extreme habitats such as the deep biosphere (nuclear waste final repository, geothermal), permafrost or plastic-polluted soils

- microbial genomics and transkriptomics

- Next generation sequencing (NGS)

- applied and environmental microbiology


  • since 2019 PostDoc, Geomicrobiology group (GFZ Potsdam, Germany)
  • 2013 - 2019 PhD in Microbial Ecology (GFZ Potsdam, Germany)


  • 05/2020 doctoral degree at GFZ, section Geomicrobiology
  • 10/2013 Master of Science - Biochemistry and Molekular Biology (University of Potsdam)
    • Master Thesis at BAM (Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing), Division of Biodeterioration and Reference Organisms
  • 12/2010-03/2011 internship abroad in the field Plant Molecular Biology (Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand)
  • 11/2010 Bachelor of Life Sciences - Molecular Biology (University of Potsdam)


  • 2022 - 2025 UnClog ATES clogging and countermeasures in ATES: experiments, modelling and projections considering biogeochemical impacts
  • 2021 - 2022 ENSURE plastics in the environment - biodegradability of plastics
  • 2019 - 2020 iCross Integrity of nuclear waste repository systems - Cross-scale system understanding and analysis
  • 2013 - 2019 MicroCene Microbial Communities of Terrestrial Pleistocene and Holocene Deposits


2019 Highlight Paper at Biogeosciences vol.16-19

2017 Research Spotlight (Eos, 2017, 98, DOI:10.1029/2017EO080655)

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