GFZ German research centre for geo sciences

Dr. Katja Berger

Building 401, Room 1.01 (Bueroraeume)
Claude-Dornier-Str. 1
82234 Weßling

Function and Responsibilities:

Stakeholder analysis / management / user interaction;
▪Development of geospatial surveys, including FAIR data principles;
▪Early Adopters Collaboration in form of Living Labs;
▪Support of EO product development in co-design with users;
▪Comprehensive review and analysis of underlying policy frameworks (EU and global).

Research Interests:

▪ Role of Earth observation for environmental and land-related policies of the European Union (EU)

▪ Hyperspectral / enhanced multispectral missions

▪ Radiative Transfer Modelling

Google Scholar


2024 - present: Researcher in the Global Monitoring Group, GFZ Potsdam

2022-2024: Researcher at Imaging Processing Laboratory, University of Valencia, Spain

2010-2013 and 2016-2022: Post Doc at the Department of Geography, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München

2012-2017 Post Doc in the group of Epidemiology II, Helmholtz Zentrum Munich

2007 - 2010 PhD Facoltà Agraria, University of Naples, Italy

2005 - 2007 PhD studies at University of Applied Life Sciences (BOKU), Vienna, Austria 


2009: PhD in Vegetation Remote Sensing (Agriculture and Forestry), BOKU Vienna, Austria

2003: MSc in Geography, University of Vienna, Austria


Research Boards and Committees:

Since 2023: Sentinel-2 Next Generation Mission Advisory Group

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