GFZ German research centre for geo sciences

Dr. Klaus Bauer

Group Leader
Dr. Klaus Bauer
Building A 42, Room 119 (Büro)
Albert-Einstein-Straße 42-46
14473 Potsdam

Function and Responsibilities:

Senior Scientist

Working group leader (Applied seismics)

Research Interests:

  • Geo-resources
  • Crustal seismology
  • Neural networks and self-organizing maps
  • Seismic imaging techniques


  • December 1995 - present: Research Scientist GFZ Potsdam
  • 1995: Research Scientist University of Leipzig
  • 1994/1995: Research Scientist TU Clausthal


  • 1992 - 1994: TU Clausthal
  • 1991/1992: University of Barcelona
  • 1988 - 1991: TU Bergakademie Freiberg



GIDES-seis (Earthshape - deep weathering along a climate gradient in Chile)

Pro-/RetroWedge (Reprocessing along TRANSALP)

SEIZE (Seismic imaging of the Ivrea zone)

RissDom-A (3D seismics for geothermal exploration in Groß Schönebeck)

AcehSeis (Seismicity study in northern Sumatra)


SSIP (Salton Seismic Imaging Project)

Vogtland/Bohemia (Local earthquake tomography)

SipoSeis (LET for geothermal exploration in Sipoholon, Indonesia)

GASH (characterization of black shales in Europa)

I-GET(Geophysical exploration methods for geothermal exploration)

Mallik 2002 (Gas hydrates in NW Canada)

Dead Sea Rift Transect (Seismic imaging of the Dead Sea transform system)

MAMBA & SIMBA & RSA (Passive margin structure in Namibia and South Africa)

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