GFZ German research centre for geo sciences

M. Sc. Lea Döpp

Function and Responsibilities:

PhD @ geological storage - hydrogen storage

Research Interests:

  • H2 Storage
  • H2 in Mobility & Industry
  • Value Chain
  • LCA


  • 2021: Masterthesis - TU Darmstadt, DB Regio Bus, GFZ - "Underground storage of hydrogen - a potential study of Hesse"
  • 2020-2022: M.Sc. @ TU Darmstadt - Energie Science and Engineering - Renewable Energies and Technologies
  • 2019-2022: M.Sc. @ TU Darmstadt - Applied Geoscience - Applied Geology
  • 2019: Bachelorthesis - TU Darmstadt - Hydrological and geochemical investigation of heavy metal concentrations in groundwater in Unterbreizbach
  • 2015-2019 B.Sc. @ TU Darmstadt - Applied Geoscience


  • H2VL
  • GEOZeit


Poster Award: 3rd International Summer School - Underground Hydrogen Storage, Edinburgh

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