GFZ German research centre for geo sciences

Prof. Liane G. Benning

Prof. Liane G. Benning
Building A 71, Room 259 (Büro)
14473 Potsdam

Function and Responsibilities:

- Head of section 3.5 "Interface Geochemistry"
- Professor in Interface Geochemistry, Freie Universität Berlin  
- For information about research in our section, please see the details on the "Interface Geochemistry" website
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since April 2016: Professor in Interface Geochemistry, FU Berlin and GFZ Potsdam

since Oct 1st 2014: Head of  Interface Geochemistry group, German Research Centre for Geosciences, GFZ Potsdam, Germany

2007– 2020: Professor in Experimental Biogeochemistry, School of Earth and Environment, Univ. Leeds, UK

2005-2007: Reader in Geobiology, School of Earth and Environment, University of Leeds, UK

2004-2005: University Lecturer, School of Earth Sciences, University of Leeds, UK

1999-2004: University Research Fellow, School of Earth Sciences, University of Leeds, UK

1996-1999: Postdoctoral Research fellow, The Pennsylvania State University, USA


1995 PhD: Aqueous Geochemistry, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich, Switzerland


European Research Council Synergy Grant "Deep Purple " Darkening the Greenland Ice Sheet" 2020 -2026

European Union HORIZON 2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Doctoral Network "ICEBIO: Center for Glacial Biome Doctoral Network"

Individual  Fellowships:
  1. Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellowship for Postdoctoral Researchers: Dr. Runa Antony: Storage, dynamics and fate or organic carbon on the surface of the Greenland Ice Sheet (2021-2023)
  2. Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellowship for Experienced Researchers: Dr. Elizaveta Kovaleva Understanding impact cratering processes (2021-2023)
  3. Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellowship for Experienced Researchers: Dr. Anke Neumann Jenal Characterizing reactive mineral intermediatesformed during interfacial electron transfer (2022-2023)
  4. NAWA Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange Fellowship: Dr. Lukasz Stachnik Association between aluminum species and glacier derived nutrients (Fe, P, Si) in suspended sediment from Greenland and Svalbard (2022-2023)

Diamond Ltd (regular beam time allocations at the UK synchrotron radiation facility)

European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (regular beam time allocations at the European synchrotron radiation facility)

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