GFZ German research centre for geo sciences

Lisa-Christin Wlodkowski

PhD Student
Lisa-Christin Wlodkowski
Building B, Room 455 (Büro)
14473 Potsdam


03.2024 - now: PhD at GFZ Potsdam

2022 - 2023: M.Sc Bioanalytical chemistry and pharmaceutical analysis , Hochschule Fresenius Idstein             

                      Thesis: "Development of a GC-QqTOF suspect screening method for the detection of
                                  micropollutants in waste eluates "

                                  written at Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung (BAM)        

2018 - 2022: B.Sc Applied chemistry, Hochschule Fresenius Idstein             

                      Thesis: "Optimization of the total precursor assay for target and nontarget screening of
                                  ultrashort to long chain PFAS in contaminated water samples "

                                  written at Institute for Analytical Research (IfAR)   

2020-2021: Internship, NGI, Oslo, Norway

                   Project: "Transportation of visible microplastic in vermicompost by red wigglers"

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