Dr. Maximilian Frick
A 69,
107 (Büro)
Function and Responsibilities:
Scientist in working group: Exploration of Thermal Geosystems
Research Interests:
- Basin-applied hydro-thermo-mechanical simulations
- Geothermal potential of sedimentary basins
- Anthropogenic Overprinting in Urban Context
2019 - today: Scientist at GFZ Potsdam
2016 - 2018: PhD Student at Freie Universität Berlin
2013: BSc. - International Field Geoscience (University Potsdam, Germany)2015: BSc. - International Field Geoscience (University of Montana, USA)
2015: MSc. - Geology (University Potsdam, Germany)
2018: Dr. rer nat - Geoscience (Freie Universität Berlin, Germany)
Ongoing projects:
- Thermobase
- Geothermie Potsdam
- Geothermie Schwerin
- Regional heat flow, temperatures and geothermal potential in the North German BasinGeoLaB
- ESM - Earth System Modelling
- GeoLaB
Completed projects:
- Exploration of geothermal reservoirs in the city of Berlin
- 3D thermal modelling and Reassessment of deep and moderately deep geothermal potentials of Hesse
- Efficient exploration of the geothermal potential in urban areas - geoPuR
- HICAM - Helmholtz Climate Initiative
PhD Thesis: Towards a more sustainable utilization of the urban geological subsurface: Insights from 3D thermohydraulic models
Masters Thesis: Influence of Shallow Flow on the Deep Geothermal Field of Berlin - Results from 3D Models
Bachelors Thesis: Sensitivity of a 3D-Geothermal Model of Berlin with respect to upper Boundary Conditions