GFZ German research centre for geo sciences

Dr. Monika Korte

Dr. Monika Korte
Building A 42, Room 227 (Büro)
Albert-Einstein-Straße 42-46
14473 Potsdam

Function and Responsibilities:

Interim leader of section geomagnetism
Head of Working Group "Geomagnetic field evolution" 
  • Modelling and investigation of the global field on historical to paleomagnetic time scales
  • Investigation of geomagnetic excursions and reversals

Research Interests:

  • Geomagnetism and Paleomagnetism
  • Recent and long term geomagnetic secular variation
  • Global and regional geomagnetic field modeling
  • Geomagnetic ground observations
  • Geomagnetic satellite data
  • Separation of magnetic field sources


since 10/2021 Interim head of section 2.3, geomagnetism
since 2014      Head of working group "Entwicklung des Erdmagnetfelds" within section 2.3 of GFZ
2009  – 2014  Head of working group “Geomagnetische Observatorien” within section 2.3    
                       of GFZ
2003 2014  Scientific head of Niemegk geomagnetic observatory of GFZ 
2002 – 2003
  Researcher, GFZ Potsdam
2001 – 2002
  Post-Doc, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego
1999 – 2001
  Post-Doc, GFZ Potsdam
1997 – 1999
  PhD student, GFZ Potsdam
1996 – 1997
  Student assistant, Geophysical Observatory Fürstenfeldbruck,  
                      LMU Munich


1999   Dr. rer. nat., Free University Berlin
1996   Geophysics Diploma, Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich


2024  – 2026   Helmholtz AI: Geomagnetic core field forecasting (GEOMAGFOR) 
2024 – 2026    DFG KO 2870/14-1Global characterization of geomagnetic field reversals from data and numerical simulations
2022 – 2024    DFG KO2870/10-2 Advancing correlation-based Bayesian modeling of the geomagnetic field to include paleomagnetic sediment records
2018 – 2021    DFG KO2870/10-1 Correlation based modelling of the Holocene geomagnetic field
2015 – 2018    DFG KO 2870/6-1: Separating multi-decadal internal geomagnetic variation and magnetospheric field variations
2013 2016    DFG KO 2870/5-1: Evolution of geomagnetic dipole moment and South Atlantic Anomaly
2011 – 2012   BMBF BRA 11/J09: Geomagnetic Observatory in Brazil
2010 – 2013    DFG KO 2870/4-1: Holocene geomagentic field reconstruction
2008 – 2009    DAAD PPP Kroatia: European geomagnetic secular variation
2005 – 2008    DFG KO 2870/3-1: Wavelet frames
2005 – 2015    Inkaba yeAfrica: Southern African magnetic field change
2004 – 2007    DFG KO 2870/2-1: Decadal and subdecadal secular variation

Research Boards and Committees:


since 2019       Secretary General
2015– 2019      Vice president 
since 2011      Member of Executive Committee
2007 – 2011    Chair of Division V
2004 – 2005    Member of IAGA Young Scientist Committee
2001 – 2003    Chair of Working Group V-9 (Magnetic Anomalies)

2018  2021     Associate Editor für Geophysical Research Letters
2016  2017     Associate Editor für Geophysical Research Letters
2009  2016     Associate Editor for Geochem. Geophys. Geosys.
2013  2014     Member of Fleming Medal Committee 
2013                 Member of "Editor-in-Chief Search Committee for Reviews of Geophysics


since 2019       Member of International Advisory Board (IAB) of the Institute of Geophysics, Prague
since 2015       Member of Scientific Board of the Bureau Central de Magnétisme (BCMT), France errestre (BMCT)  
2012 – 2014     Co-Chair EPOS Working Group 9
2003 – 2013    MagNetE (Magnetic Network of Europe) founding committee member

Reviewer for J. Geophys. Res., Geophys. J. Internat., Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., Phys. Earth Planet. Inter., and other journals, DFG, NERC, NSF


2003   GFZ Potsdam Research Award
2001   Feodor-Lynen-Fellowship by Alexander von Humboldt-Foundation as Postgraduate Researcher
          at Scripps Institution of Oceanography, USCD

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