GFZ German research centre for geo sciences

Dr. Pablo Forjanes

Dr. Pablo Forjanes
Building A 71, Room 216 (Büro)
14473 Potsdam

Research Interests:

During my predoctoral stage, my research has sought to understand the parameters controlling the viability and kinetics of fluid-driven mineral replacement reactions. This line of research has involved experimental work related to the alteration of Ca-carbonates and Ca-sulphates under experimental conditions mimicking diagenesis. With this aim, I have used techniques which have allowed me to characterise the chemical, textural and crystallographic features of the primary and secondary mineral phases before, during and after the replacement. These techniques include X-ray diffraction, electron microscopy, atomic force microscopy, mass spectroscopy, thermogravimetry, etc.

The development of my research has been possible thanks to my participation in two projects (CGL2016-77138-C2-1-P; PID2021-125467NB-I00), the obtaining of a predoctoral FPU fellowship (FPU17/01689) and the completion of several predoctoral stays at the Ludwig-Maximilians Universität (LMU) of Munich. The work of the pre-doctoral stage has resulted in the publication of several manuscripts and the participation in more than 20 national and international conferences. During my predoctoral stage, I also had the opportunity to teach subjects from the Bachelor in Geology (Complutense University of Madrid) like Mineralogy of Silicates, Mineralogy of non-Silicates, Crystallography and Mineral Characterisation Techniques.

Since 1 January 2023 I am working as a postdoctoral fellow at the GeoForschungsZentrum (GFZ) in Potsdam; in the Interface Geochemistry group led by Prof. Dr. Liane G. Benning (Section 3.5). In this group I am part of the European ERC Synergy Grant (856416) project "Deep Purple" (50%). This project studies what is causing the rapid darkening and decay of the Greenland Ice Sheet. Within this project, I am responsible for the mineralogical characterisation of polar samples, studying the role of mineral phases in (i) albedo variation and (ii) the growth of microorganisms in the ice due to the release of nutrients such as phosphorus or iron. I am also part of the "Interface Geochemistry" working group, where I continue my line of research regarding the genesis, growth and replacement of calcium carbonates and sulphates.


2023 to date
Postdoctoral Researcher. Sec. 3.5 Interface Geochemistry. GeoForschungsZentrum (GFZ) Potsdam, Germany

2018 to 2022
Predoctoral Research Fellow (FPU17/01689). Department of Mineralogy and Petrology. Complutense University of Madrid (UCM). Spain


2018 to 2022

PhD in Geology, Complutense University of Madrid (UCM), Spain
Thesis: "Chemical, textural, and microstructural evolution of Ca-carbonates and sulphates during diagenesis: an experimental study" (Summa cum Laude)
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Lurdes Fernández-Díaz and Prof. Dr. José Manuel Astilleros García-Monge

2017 to 2018

MSc in Geology and Environmental Managment of the Mineral Resources, University of Huelva (UHU) / International University of Andalucía (UNiA), Spain
Thesis: "Interaction of calcite and anhydrite with Sr and/or Ba-rich solutions: Implications for the genesis of massive celestite deposits"
Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Lurdes Fernández-Díaz; Prof. Dr. José Manuel Astilleros García-Monge and Prof. Dr. José Miguel Nieto

Award: Prize for the best academic record of the 2017-2018 promotion.

2013 - 2017

BSc in Geology, Complutense University of Madrid (UCM), Spain
Award: National Award (Spanish Ministry of Universities) to one of the 3 best Academic Records in the country (Academic year 2016-2017)


Project: DEEP PURPLE: darkening of the Greenland Ice Sheet
Reference: ERC Synergy Grant 856416
Dates: 2020-2025
Funding Agent: European Research Council

Project: Calcium carbonate dissolution-crystallization processes in surface and diagenetic environments (MOONLIT)
Reference: PID2021-125467NB-I00
Dates: 2022-2026
Funding Agent: Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation

Project: Intercambio químico y evolución de texturas minerales asociados a reacciones de disolución-cristalización (MYRTLE)
Reference: CGL2016-77138-C2-1-P
Dates: 2016-2020
Funding Agent: Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO)


2013, 2015 and 2016:  Excellence Scholarship of the Autonomous Region of Madrid (Spain) for university students with an outstanding academic performance (Government of the Autonomous Region of Madrid).
2016. Collaboration Scholarship in University Departments for Initiation in Research (Spanish Ministry of Education)
2017. National Prize for having one of the 3 best Academic Records in Geology of Spain (Spanish Ministry of Universities).
2018. Extraordinary Prize for the Best Academic Record of the Master "Geology and Environmental Management of Mineral Resources” (University of Huelva)
2018. Prize for the Best Master's Thesis (Interaction of calcite and anhydrite with Sr and/or Ba-rich solutions: Implications for the genesis of massive celestite deposits) (Spanish Mineralogical Society)

2018. FPU (Formación del Profesorado Universitario) Fellowship to do a PhD  (Spanish Ministry of Universities)
2019. Best Oral Communication Award at the Spanish Mineralogical Society Conference (SEM 2019)
2020. Aid from the Spanish Ministry of Universities for Predoctoral Students with a FPU Fellowhsip to make Research Stays Abroad (Spanish Ministry of Universities)
2021. Best Oral Communication Award at the Complutense University 5º PhDay 2022.
2022. Second Prize for the best Oral Communication in the "Thesis in 3 minutes" competition, “Science and Engineering category” (Complutense University).

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