Dr. Patricia Ritter
A 42,
102 (Büro)
Albert-Einstein-Straße 42-46
Function and Responsibilities:
Coordination Department 2 "Geophysics"
Research Interests:
- ionospheric and magnetospheric current systems
- physics of polar and equatorial ionosphere
- geomagnetic substorms
since 2013 department coordinatorsince 2000 research scientist at GFZ
1998 - 2000 DFG research grant at GFZ
1992 - 1994 EU PhD grant (JOULE Programme)
1991 - 1996 University of Edinburgh, PhD1982 - 1989 FU Berlin, Dipl. Geophysics
- Closed Projects:
- German Swarm Project Office – preparation and coordination of the German user community for Swarm data exploitation; interface ESA - Astrium - DLR; concept for data usage; preparations for DFG priority programme SPP DynamicEarth, public outreach, Swarm Science Meeting.
- Swarm Level2 - development of the Swarm Level-2 algorithms and associated Level-2 processing facility for ESA; SMART Consortium
- SVT - coordination of German activities in ESA’s Swarm Validation Team
- ESA science studies:
- Exploiting synergies between Swarm and Cluster
- Swarm - The impact of combined magnetic and electric field analysis and of ocean circulation effects on Swarm Mission performance
- Ionospheric Current Quantification and Modelling for Improved Magnetic and Electric Field Analyses for Swarm (admin.)
- Air density models derived from multi-satellite drag observations (admin.)
- DFG Projects:
- Improvement of satellite main field modelling through a better separation of internal from external contributions (SPP-1097)
- Modelling ionospheric currents based on CHAMP and ground based magnetic field observations (SPP-1097)
- Swarm Phase B, C/D E1 - support and verification of the required scientific performance of ESA’s Swarm mission (admin.)
- BMWi Study - on the impact of geomagnetic storms on German electric power lines - Auswirkung von geomagnetischen Stürmen auf das deutsche Stromübertragungsnetz: Sachstand und Forschungsbedarf (admin.)
- IMAGE - International Monitor for Auroral Geomagnetic Effect