GFZ German research centre for geo sciences

Dr. Rüdiger Giese

Group Leader
Dr. Rüdiger Giese
Building A 69, Room 322 (Büro)
14473 Potsdam

Function and Responsibilities:

Dr. Giese received his Diploma degree in Geophysics from the Technical University Clausthal, Germany, in 1994, and his PhD in Geophysics from Free University of Berlin in 1998. He is now a senior scientist of geophysics at the GFZ-German Research Centre for Geosciences in Potsdam. Research interests include development of high-resolution seismic exploration and monitoring systems for the application in tunnels and boreholes, VSP and MSP, geological storage of CO2, and scientific drilling. At present he heads the underground geophysical working group within the section “Geomechanics and Scientific Drilling” at GFZ.

He is responsible for the GFZ-Underground-Lab located in the “Reiche Zeche” of the TU Freiberg, a test site for newly developed seismic source and receiver systems for the application in mines, tunnels and boreholes. Dr. Giese has mainly worked together with industry partners in the development of seismic hard- and software tools e.g. for tunnel and borehole seismic prediction. His works have resulted in a significant number of patents. Most of his results and inventions have directly entered into commercial products.

Since 2020 he heads the Helmholtz Innovation Lab “3D-Undergound Seismic”. This Lab

focusses on a standardization and modularization of the 3D-US-technology which uses all accessible structures within an underground building and combines it together with technical and methodical developments from tunnel and borehole seismics.



2008: Technology Transfer Award from the Brandenburg Technology Foundation for the ISIS tunnel exploration system

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