GFZ German research centre for geo sciences

Dipl.-Ing. Stephan Schröder

Dipl.-Ing. Stephan Schröder
Building C 4, Room 2.08 (Büro)
14473 Potsdam

Function and Responsibilities:

  • Engineer / Technician in section 4.4 Hydrology
  • Working Group Hydrogravimetry and large-scale hydrology
  • Supervision of hydro-gravimetric systems and geophysical experiments
  • Development of optimized configurations for the use of gravimeters
  • Planning, preparation and implementation of expeditions and measurement campaigns in the field 
  • Construction, maintenance and optimization of hydrological, hydraulic and kimatological measuring systems
  • Data analysis, quality assurance and data transmission of the measuring systems

Additional function:

  • first aid personnal
  • driver licence for cranes and motor boats
  • Use of PPE against falls
  • Contact person for the GFZ internal National Instruments campus license (LabVIEW, DIAdem ect.)
  • Supervisor of technical internship and Bachelor / Master students

Other Plattforms:

Research Interests:

  • Installation and operation of hydrological observatories (e.g., Wettzell, TERENO-Northeast, AGGO)
  • Detection of hydrologycal changes and geophysical dynamics with gravity data
  • Technical questions of upcoming remote sensing methods (drones, satellites, aircrafts)
  • LoRaWAN and Internet of Thinks (IoT)


07/2013 – present   Engineer / Technician in Section 4.4 Hydrology, GFZ-Potsdam

10/2008 – 06/2013   Engineer / Technician in the Section for Geological Storage (former Centre for CO2 Storage), GFZ Potsdam


04/2008 – 10/2008   Diploma / Thesis, GFZ Potsdam
  • Topic: Development of a phase control for magnetostrictive actuators used as vibration sources in seismic tunnel advance investigation / supervisor Dr. Rüdiger Giese & Kay Krüger

09/2004 – 10/2008   Study at Brandenburg University of Applied Sciences 

  • Studied electrical engineering with a focus on automation and control technology
  • Additional Topics: digital-analog technology, process control technology, industrial robots, production automation, microcontrollers, database systems, process engineering, business administration, project management, law and industrial property rights protection, control cabinet configuration, circuit simulation and much more.

08/1996 – 01/2000   Vocational training as technician for electronics / specializing in production facilities, Procter & Gamble 

  • Education to a technical support specialist for all electronic parts and systems in a production cyclus, f.e. new installation, maintenance work, solving various electronic issues 


  • HYGRA (The effect of water storage variations on in-situ gravity measurements and their use for hydrology)
  • HOSGO (Hydrological and oceanic signals in geodetic observations at the Argentine-German Geodetic Observatory (AGGO)) (BMBF)

Past / Completed Projects:

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