GFZ German research centre for geo sciences

Dr. Sven Fuchs

Group Leader
Dr. Sven Fuchs
Building A 69, Room 302 (Büro)
14473 Potsdam
Building D, Room 254 (Labor)
14473 Potsdam

Function and Responsibilities:

  • Group Leader 'Exploration of Thermal Geosystems'
  • Head of the GFZ Thermal Petrophysics Lab ( read more...)
  • Lecture at the University of Potsdam and Technical University of Darmstadt

Research Interests:

My research interests focus on the Earth's thermal field and its importance for basic and applied research. That includes a detailed understanding of temperature and heat-flow from surface to lithosphere scale and the associated rock thermal properties.

For mankind, this knowledge is important for any scientific, technological or commercial use of the subsurface. In terms of applications, it is paramount for the exploration and exploitation of resources (geothermal energy, hydrocarbons, mineral resources, etc.) as well as for the storage of solids and energy (air, fluid, gas, nuclear waste, etc.). To realize such projects, I combine geological data from boreholes with geophysical surveys from boreholes (well-log interpretation) and surface (seismic data) as well as with data from laboratory studies of rock physics and chemistry. Core-log integration helps to upscale from core to borehole scale. Such acquired data are implemented in numerical subsurface models that help to get a better understanding of the studied geological system. Further research interests are focusing on hydraulic properties in sedimentary rocks, in particular in granular soils and shallow hydrogeological systems.

Past and ongoing research projects include:

  • Exploration of geothermal systems
  • Laboratory measurement of rock thermal and hydraulic properties (sedimentary rocks, upper and lower crustal rocks)
  • Formation evaluation using core-log integration techniques
  • Heat-flow and temperatures in Central and Northern Europe
  • Local to regional-scale numerical temperature modelling

I am looking for:


  • 2013                  Promotion (Dr. rer. nat.) in Geology at the University of Potsdam
  • 2007                  Diploma (Ing.) in Hydrogeology at the Technical University Berlin

Professional experience

  • 07/2021-ongoing              Group Leader (WG Exploration of Thermal Geosystems), GFZ Potsdam, Section 4.8 Geoenergy, Germany
  • 02/2016-06/2021              Postdoc, GFZ Potsdam, Section 4.8 Geoenergy, Germany
  • 09/2013-01/2016              Postdoc, Aarhus University, Department for Geosciences, Denmark
  • 04/2009-08/2013              Research assistant, GFZ Potsdam, Reservoir Technologies, Germany
  • 09/2007-03/2009              Project engineer, industry, Germany
  • 2023                     Lab: Thermal properties of the Muschelkalk im the North German Basin (PI)
  • 2020-2022            geoPuR - Efficient exploration of the geothermal potential in urban areas (PI)
  • 2019-2021            HI-CAM - Helmholtz Klimainitiative
  • 2019-2021            GeoTief Wien - GeoTief EXPLORE (3D) Vienna
  • 2018-2019            ESI - Energiesysteminetrgation2050
  • 2018-2019            GFZ-driven German-Argentina Network (DeArGeoNet)
  • 2017-2020            Geotherm – ‘Geothermal energy from sedimentary reservoirs – Removing constrains for large-skala utilizations’ (project page)
  • 2016-2019            EU MSCA project: ITHERLAB - In-situ thermal rock property lab
  • 2015-2017            Heat-flow in the Barents Sea (Tectonor)
  • 2013-2016            DSF geotermi project: ‘The geothermal energy potential in Denmark – reservoir properties, temperature distribution and models for utilisation’  (Innovation fund Denmark; project page)
  • 2011-2015            Interreg 4A GeoPower – ‚Gethermal energy for Southern Jutland‘; project page)
  • 2012-2013            Neighbourhood Demonstrators (N-DEMO), (project page EU-EIT Climate-KIC)
  • 2009-2012            GeoEnergie (GeoEn – Joint research project on GeoEnergy, BMBF)

Research Boards and Committees:

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