Dr. Uta Deffke

Dr. Uta Deffke
Building G, Room 224 (Büro)
14473 Potsdam

Function and Responsibilities:

Public Relations 

Deputy Press Officer 

Press releases, Press enquiries, GFZeitung (internal news magazine), News, Social Media, Brochures
Crisis Management Team

Research Interests:

Science Communication


Seit 10/20: Public Relations at GFZ Potsdam

12/19: Guest Ohio State University: Math Outreach Program

12/15 – 12/19: Public Relations at Research Center Matheon (TU Berlin) and (since 01/19) Cluster of Excellence MATH+ (50%)
Relaunch und editing website Matheon; news and press releases, press enquiries, press events; start of Social Media activities; concept and text of flyers, brochures, the monthly MATH+Newsletter; outreach events, support of events, board, grad-school, and school activities; concept SciCom @MATH+

09/15 – 09/16: Team Content for realising „Science Center Futurea“ (Wittenberg) with studio klv
Topic Urea (agriculture, (world-)food supply, chemistry), Client: SKW Piesteritz
Concept of exhibits, content production (in cooperation with graphic designers, architects, film producers, industrial partners)

05/10 – 04/11 and
12/11 – 09/13: Press Officer at the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (50%)

Press releases, statements, greetings; press enquiries; preparation of press events; conceptional and strategic work 

Since 09/2005: Freelance Science Writer, Member of Journalistenbüro Schnittstelle
Topics: technology and engineering, materials, raw materials, recycling, energy (nuclear power...renewables), AI, nanotechnology, optical technologies, physics, mathematics
Media: a.o. Technology Review Magazin, Handelsblatt, FAS, Bild der Wissenschaften, Berliner Zeitung, Recycling Magazin, FTD, Physik Journal, TK-Logo (for kids); Max Planck Forschung, Adlershof Journal;
Der Mathematik-Kalender 2022
Texts for business and annual reports, complete brochures, editing of research proposals

04/06 – 05/06: Internship with Frankfurter Allgemeinen Sonntagszeitung (FAS) (science reporting)

02/05 – 04/05: Internship with Financial Times Deutschland (FTD) in the editorial team „Forschen und Entwickeln“

02/04 – 10/04: Trainee with ThyssenKrupp Stahl AG at the Materials Center of Excellence Duisburg
Surface analytics for development and production of steel (SNMS); Trainee Programme for Executive Leadership

02/99 – 10/03: Research Assistant with the AG Magnetooptics at the Institute of Experimental Physics at FU Berlin
UHV- and thin-film technlology, surface analytics: AES, LEED, RHEED; magnetism, magnetooptics, data storage technologies;
outreach activities


Further Education: „Mobile Reporting“, „Interviews & Statements with Smartphone“, „Webpage design with Wordpress“, „Social Media“

10/04 - 07/05: Postgraduate studies Science Journalism (FU Berlin)
Special focus on: Radio, Magazine, PR, Museums
Degree: Certificate

12/02: Doctorate (Dr. rer. nat.) in Experimental Solid State Physics (FU Berlin)
„Untersuchungen zum Wachstum von Bi, Mn und MnBi auf Si(111)-Oberflächen"

10/92 - 05/98: Studies in mathematics and physics (RWTH Aachen University)
Degree: 1st State Examination
at the 2. Institut of Physics at the RWTH Aachen University
„Dünnschichttechnologie als Praktikumsversuch - Herstellung von Co/Pt-Vielfachschichten sowie topographische, strukturelle und magnetische Charakterisierung"

10/91 – 10/92 Studies in Electrical Engineering (RWTH Aachen University)
Vordipolom A


11/07: Matheon Media Prize (2nd prize)

01/07: Scholarship of the Robert Bosch Foundation
to attend the AAAS 2007 in San Francisco and the ESOF 2008 in Barcelona

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