Dr. Xinghan Chen
Function and Responsibilities:
Postdoctoral Scientist Researcher at GFZ, & Research Assistant, 2021.04-now
PhD of Multi-GNSS Data Processing at GFZ & Technical University of Berlin, 2016.10-2021.03
Research Interests:
Receiver Clock Modeling, Precise Orbit Determination, Precise Clock Estimation, Positioning and Navigation, Big Data, Earthquake, Ionosphere, Solar Radiation Pressure Model, Integrity Monitoring, Parallel Algorithm for High-performance Computing, AI Retrieval of Earth Components
Development of Multi-GNSS global Real-Time Precise Positioning Service, Funded by Hi-Target Company, 2017-01 - 2023-01, development of software for real-time positioning services.
EWRICA: Early-Warning and Rapid Impact Assessment with real-time GNSS in the Mediterranean, Funded by Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Germany, 2020-01 - 2023-07, assisted with investigations.
Contribution to proposal writing
- GeoBM GmbH & Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute (KASI), Cooperation project, Development of Validation Model of KPS OD System, 2023-06 - 2026-06.
- TU Berlin, DFG (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft), Multi-constellation and Multi-sensor Integrated Non-conservative Forces Modeling Framework (MOTIVATING), 2024-10 - 2028-10.
In 2022 - now, be invited to review paper for Journal of Geodesy, GPS Solutions, IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, Advances in Space Research, Remote Sensing, and Satellite Navigation
In 2020, be invited to join the reviewer board for Remote Sensing
In 2016, awarded by China National Scholarship.