GFZ German research centre for geo sciences
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Heidi Kreibich, woman with short brown hair and blue eyes. She is wearing a grey cardigan and a red polo shirt

Heidi Kreibich wird für ihre herausragenden Beiträge zu Hochwasserrisiken im November mit der Volker Medaille des Internationalen Hydrologiepreises der IAHS ausgezeichnet.

Lecture room at GFZ with participants

Achim Brauer, the former head of the GFZ section Climate Dynamics and Landscape Development, was given a retirement farewell at a colloquium of the European research network INTIMATE.

Portrait photos of a woman and a man.

Charlotte Krawczyk has been Director of Department 2 “Geophysics” again since 1 April. Michael Kühn took over as Head of Department 3 “Geochemistry” on 1 March.

René Steinmann and Jana Täumer

Two new GFZ Discovery Fellowships awarded: René Steinmann is researching ground vibrations in connection with animal movements and Jana Täumer is researching methane sinks in Germany.

Portrait photo of a man with dark glasses next to the larger-than-life bronze bust of a man with a full beard and glasses. In the background: green trees.

Jürgen Matzka, working group leader in the Geomagnetism Section, is new Chair of the Operations Committee and member of the Executive Council of the global network of geomagnetic field observatories.

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