GFZ German research centre for geo sciences

Clean Laboratory for Cosmogenic Nuclides

Within HELGES, we have more than 100 m² of clean lab space is available for separation of meteoric and terrestrial cosmogenic nuclides. We prepare wide-ranging sample substrates for meteoric cosmogenic nuclides (e.g. rocks, sediments, soils, river water, seawater, plants) and mainly quartz for terrestrial (in situ) cosmogenic nuclides (mainly 10Be and 26Al).  Such clean lab methods are couple to mineral separation labs. The clean lab features other essential infrastructure like a centrifuge, ultrasonic bath, microbalance, hotplates etc. Low blanks and optimized methodologies means that AMS measurements of 10Be(meteoric)/9Be isotope ratios of routinely 1x10-14 are possible on 0.2 g of solid material and on 200 mL of river water.  After purification, the cosmogenic nuclides are sent to the accelerator mass spectrometer in Cologne for measurement. Stable 9Be and other elements are analysed in-house using our Optical ICP-MS.

Access to the lab

Nearly all work conducted in the GFZ HELGES lab falls into one of two categories: (1) approved collaborative projects that will lead to publications in international scientific journals, and (2) research projects within the GFZ Earth Surface Geochemistry group, including development and improvement of analytical methods. All scientists wishing to use our facility or request sample analyses must submit an analysis application form.

Application forms and terms of conditions:
Application for Isotope Ratio
Application for Cosmogenic Nuclide
Terms of conditions 

Because our laboratory space and staff capacities are limited, we need to evaluate your application in an internal review process, and therefore kindly ask you to fill the application form and provide us with further information about the project, samples and analyses. Please send the application form to the indicated lab contact person. We will evaluate your application and make a decision. Please note that we are specialized in the above mentioned isotope systems and we are not a geochronology laboratory.

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