GFZ German research centre for geo sciences

CO2MAN Subproject 3.5 Organic Geochemistry

CO2MAN (CO2 Reservoir Management) is a collaborative project that facilitates research and development on the geological CO2 storage in a saline aquifer at the pilot site Ketzin. Aims of the project comprise the monitoring of the migration behaviour of the injected CO2, characterization of the CO2-induced interactions between fluids, rocks and the microbial community in the storage systems as well as statistic modeling and dynamic simulation.

Within the subproject “Organic geochemistry” the effects of injected CO2 on the natural organic matter in reservoir and cap rock will be monitored and evaluated as supercritical CO2 is known to be an excellent solvent of non- to moderately polar organic compounds. In addition to the CO2-induced mobilisation of organic compounds from cap and reservoir rocks, also the fluid-rock interactions under the influence of the injected CO2 will be investigated. In addition to lab experiments the research in subproject “Organic geochemistry” comprises the analyses of fluid and core samples from the injection and observation wells at the pilot site Ketzin.

Andrea Vieth-Hillebrand
Partners: CO2MAN Consortium (e.g. Axel Liebscher, Martin Zimmer, Hilke Würdemann)

BMBF - federal ministry for education and research Industry partners (VNG, RWE, Statoil, Saarstahl, Vattenfall, OMV, Dillinger)

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