GFZ German research centre for geo sciences

GeoEnergy Alliance Berlin-Brandenburg (GEB²)

GEB² is a regional, interdisciplinary research network for geoenergy

Vision: The GeoEnergy Alliance Berlin-Brandenburg (GEB²) has the vision of a future-oriented geotechnological use of the underground in Berlin and Brandenburg. The GEB² is a research network for geothermal energy systems and geological storage in the Berlin-Brandenburg region with international appeal. We are the first point of contact for local authorities, energy suppliers, politicians and administrators on geoenergy issues.

Mission: Our impulses shape the transformation of heat and energy supply in the region and in Germany. In doing so, we make relevant, fundamental contributions to a secure and sustainable energy supply, to climate protection and to the structural strengthening of the region.

Mission statement: Members and partners are committed to building knowledge and communicating the results to a broad public. Cooperation in the GeoEnergy Alliance Berlin Brandenburg is goal-oriented and cooperative and is based on the UN's Sustainable Development Goals.


  • Research on geoenergy topics
  • Addressing obstacles and challenges
  • Training of young scientists
  • Communication and transfer of results
  • Joint research and demonstration projects


  • Helmholtz Zentrum Potsdam – Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum (GFZ)
  • Fraunhofer Einrichtung für Energieinfrastrukturen und Geothermie IEG
  • Technische Universität Berlin
  • Freie Universität Berlin
  • Berliner Hochschule für Technik
  • Institut für ökologische Wirtschaftsforschung (IÖW) GmbH
  • Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung (BAM)
  • Brandenburgische Technische Universität Cottbus-Senftenberg
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