GFZ German research centre for geo sciences

Das geothermische Potential Dänemarks – Reservoireigenschaften, Temperaturtiefenverteilung, und Nutzungskonzepte zur Bereitstellung

The geothermal energy potential in Denmark – reservoir properties, temperature distribution, and models for utilization

This research project focuses on increasing our knowledge of the Danish subsurface geothermal reservoirs, the most critical part in the evaluation of exploitation possibilities. Important parameters are depth to reservoir, thickness and permeability, and temperature.
All relevant available geological and geophysical data will be analyzed and new data generated with the focus on defining and characterizing potential geothermal reservoirs in the Danish area.
Geological and geophysical models will be developed for the understanding of lateral and vertical variations in reservoir quality and temperature. Areas of special interest, based on a combination of favorable geological conditions and heating demands, will be selected and subject for detailed investigations. This applies e.g. to the greater Copenhagen area and the Øresund region. Results will include maps showing reservoir depth, thickness, temperatures and resources and will be available on a user friendly GIS platform intended to stimulate also local interest.

The Project is coordinated by GEUS.


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