Working Group 4.3.2 – Experimental Reservoir Physics
The scientific focus of the working group is to investigate physical and chemical interactions between rocks and geo-fluids with respect to long-term changes in the rock’s mechanical and hydraulic properties, the mineralogical, petrological and microstructural rock characterization as well as the development and application of fiber-optic technology.
The overarching goal of our work is to generate an evidence-based understanding of physico-chemical processes at the micro and meso-scale (nm to dm). The approach is fundamental science but always targets a transfer of the results into the geological space regarding its usage and dynamics. This primarily implies applications in geothermal technology development and storage of matter within the Earth’s upper crust as well as contributions to earthquake physics.
Methodologically, the working group is experimentally oriented and for this purpose operates several dedicated laboratories and a large number of different apparatuses and devices. Coupling rock-physical experiments and physical fluid parameterization in a geoscience context is a unique feature of the working group. National and international cooperation with colleagues working in the field and/or numerically permit an integrated and cross-scale knowledge gain.
In terms of supplementary research, our work is directly integrated within the GeoLaB (Helmholtz) project. Moreover, experimental contributions are made to the THC-Prognos (BMWK) project. Not least, the working group is engaged in the German section (GSAPWS e.V.) of the International Association for the Properties of Water and Steam (IAPWS), whereby valuable contacts with German universities and research institutions exist in the field of fluid physics.
- Laboratory Flow-through Apparatuses
- Laboratory Fluid Physics
- Laboratory Mineralogy-Petrology
- Laboratory Fiber Optics
- GeoLaB (Helmholtz)
- THC-Prognos (BMWK)