GFZ German research centre for geo sciences

LSMOD Models

Models for the periode of 30 to 50 kyrs that contain the Laschamp and Mono Lake field excursions

The LSMOD models (current version LSMOD.2) represent the global evolution of the geomagnetic field for the time interval 50 to 30 ka. They are based on paleomagnetic data from sediments and volcanic rocks. They contain the Laschamp excursion (ca. 41 ka), which is characterized by globally reversed field directions and very low field intensities, and the less pronounced Mono Lake excursion (ca. 33 ka).

  • LSMOD.1 - the first model for time interval 50 - 30 ka, including the Laschamp and Mono Lake excursions (outdated)
  • LSMOD.2 - updated version of LSMOD.1
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