GFZ German research centre for geo sciences


Model of the geomagnetic core field based on satellite and observatory data

Mag.num models are the series of recent GFZ high-precision geomagnetic core field models that rely on satellite magnetic field measurements, in particular on calibrated Swarm and CHAMP vector field and ground observatory data. The coefficients of the spherical harmonic expansion is represented in snapshots and the temporal evolution between the snapshots is realised through spline interpolation. The coefficient files follows a dedicated formatfor Swarm magnetic field models.

Updates of Mag.num models are triggered by new satellite or observatory data, and will regularly be made available.

Coefficient tables of the Mag.num models:

  • Mag.num-1:
    • 01/2000– 2017, CHAMP, Swarm, ground observatories (coming soon)
  • Mag.num-2: 
  • Mag.num-3:
    • current, Swarm satellite delta data only, xx/xxxx - xx/xxxx (along-track [Swarm A, B, C] and cross-track [Swarm A, C]) (coming soon)
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