GFZ German research centre for geo sciences

The Geomagnetic Observatory Neumayer Station III was opened by the Alfred-Wegener-Institute in 2009. GFZ is cooperating on data calibration and distribution.
The geomagnetic field intensity and directions are continuously recorded at the observatory.
The observatory is member of the INTERMAGNET program.

Location: Antarctic

Geographic Coordinates:
Latitude: 70.68 S     Longitude: 351.72 E       Altitude: 40 m  

Geomagnetic Coordinates (quasi-dipole):
Latitude:  64.61 S    Longitude: 44.18 E   

The geomagnetic Coordinates refer to IGRF-13 for 2020.


Data are available on request or over the INTERMAGNET program. 

für Polar- und Meeresforschung

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