Clean room facility
Location: B157/B159-B166
- Several low-blank chemistry laboratories (class 100)
- Sample preparation and ion-exchange chromatography
- Set up for isotope systems: Pb, U-Pb, Rb-Sr, Sm-Nd
- B and Li isotopes
Thermal ionization mass-spectrometers / TIMS
Location: B154/B156
MAT262 (Finigan)
- upgradet with TI-Box (Spectromat)
- 9 Faraday cups / 1SEV
- RPQ plus SEV
- Applications PTIMS: Pb, U, Th, Rb, Sm, Nd, B
TRITON (ThermoFisher Scientific)
- Features: 9 Faraday cups / 1SEV
- Applications PTIMS: Pb, U, Rb, Sr, B, Sm, Nd
Multi-collector mass-spectrometer with inductivly coupled plasma source / MC-ICP MS
NEPTUNE (ThermoFisher Scientific)
- Features: SIS/Aridus
- Sample changer ASX-100 (CETAC)
- 9 Faraday cups / 1SEV
- MIC (Th, U)
- Applications: Li, B, Rb, Sr, Pb