GFZ German research centre for geo sciences

IT Services and Operation

Help desk

The IT support team assists employees of the GFZ in all questions and problems regarding the central IT services. All employees can utilise the help of the IT support team by calling the hotline, writing an e-mail or via a web-based ticket system.

The hotline can be reached under the number +49 331 6264-2845.
Business hours:
Mon-Thu 8:30 - 16:00
Fri 8:30 - 15:00
(local time Potsdam)

To contact us per email use the address

The ticket system is only accessible within the GFZ-network.

We support and advise you on the use of our services:

  • Data exchange and collaboration
  • Data storage, archiving and backup
  • Network
  • High-performance computing
  • E-mail and certificates
  • Campus software and licenses
  • Web services, internet, intranet and project websites
  • Servers and IT operation
  • Databases and applications
  • IT security and anti-virus
  • Software development
  • Video conferences
  • Printing of posters

How can I connect to the GFZ guest WLAN?

A guest account is required to use the GFZ guest WLAN. You can obtain this account from your GFZ contact person. Connect to "GFZ-Guests", open the website "" and enter your account information there.

How do I use Eduroam to connect to the internet?

With Eduroam, you can connect to the internet on the GFZ campus as well as in other participating universities and institutes. You need an Eduroam account from a participating institution.

As a GFZ employee, how do I get a user account?

To obtain a user account at GFZ, you have to fill in an online account application together with an employee already having a user account. Please contact your department's secretary or your responsible system administrator.

I cannot log in. What shall I do?

Contact the help desk via telephone or send an e-mail to containing the following information:

  • Your account name 
  • Name of the service you cannot log in to 
  • Error message supplied by the service

What is the difference between GFZ intranet website and GFZ website?

The GFZ website is accessible globally from the internet and contains primary contents, which are intended for the general public.

The GFZ intranet site can be reached only from the GFZ network and contains information that is intended only for GFZ staff.

How can I access the GFZ intranet website?

The GFZ intranet website is only accessible within the GFZ network.

How can I connect to the GFZ network while at home or on a business trip?

A connection to the GFZ network from afar can be established using a VPN client.
Click here for further information and instructions.

You can use your GFZ account to connect to Eduroam on the GFZ Campus and in other participating institutions and universities. This allows you access to the Internet. On GFZ Campus you are also granted access to the intranet and to central servers.


To use Eduroam you have to activate this service on the Passwords & Services site on the GFZ intranet web site and set a separate password for it.

General information

Parameters to connect to Eduroam.

  • Network name: eduroam
  • Wireless securiry: WPA2-Enterprise
  • Authentication: Protected EAP (PEAP)
  • Inner authentication: EAP-MSCHAPv2
  • Root certificate:USERTrust RSA Certification Authority
  • Username:
  • Password: Your Eduroam password

GFZ employees can connect to our network remotely (e.g. from at home) using VPN. With VPN you gain access to the GFZ Intranet website, central servers and your department's servers.


To be able to use VPN to access the GFZ network you have to activate VPN on the "Passwords & Services" site on the intranet and have set a domain password.

VPN client

To connect to the GFZ network, you need to install the Cisco Secure Client. Therefore, go to, select "GFZ-Mitarbeiter" and log in with your GFZ account name and domain password, then enter the code from your 2nd factor device.

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