GFZ German research centre for geo sciences

EMEC-2021 - The European-Mediterranean Earthquake Catalogue – Version 2021

EMEC-2021 is a catalogue of tectonic earthquakes for the broader Mediterranean area, harmonised into a single magnitude scale, Mw (Lammers, Steffi et al., 2023). It is an extended version of “The European-Mediterranean Earthquake Catalogue (EMEC) for the last millennium” originally compiled by Grünthal and Wahlström, 2012, 2012a). The catalogue covers a region extending from the Azores (Mid-Atlantic Ridge) in the west until eastern Turkey and the Caucases in the east, and from  Africa north of the Sahara in the south to the Arctic Sea in the north. This areal coverage gave the catalogue its name: EMEC—The European-Mediterranean Earthquake Catalogue.

It extends the time period covered by the earlier catalogue (Grünthal and Wahlström, 2012) from 2007 to 2021, and thus contains 71,271 tectonic events above a threshold magnitude of Mw 3.5 for the period AD 1000 to 2021.

Data and documentation you can find here:

Catalogue data can be also accessed using the FDSN Webservice:


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