GFZ German research centre for geo sciences

M. Sc. Andreas Ruby

PhD Student
M. Sc. Andreas Ruby
Building F, Room 423 (Büro)
14473 Potsdam

Function and Responsibilities:

Doctoral Researcher with Prof. Taylor Schildgen.

Member of the Doctoral Representatives at GFZ and board member of the Young Geomorphologists, Germany.

Research Interests:

  • Erosion, transport and sedimentation processes on different time scales
  • Landscape evolution of alluvial rivers by changes of warm and cold periods
  • Formation of fluvial terraces and their influence for reconstructing environmental changes


  • Mapping and correlation of fluvial terraces (semi-automated)
  • Multi- und hyperspectral remote sensing for analysis of weathering processes of fluvial sediments
  • Dating of fluvial deposits mostly via cosmogenic nuclides (10Be), less often via optical stimulated luminescence (OSL)
  • Numerical modelling of river long-profiles


Since 11/2021: Doctoral Researcher in the GyroSCoPe project

08/2020 - 09/2020: Internship with Luca C. Malatesta (Section 4.7: Earth Surface Process Modelling)
                               "Morphometric analysis of MIS 5e marine terraces at Sado Island, Japan"

07/2019 - 09/2019: Internship with Christopher Kyba (Section 1.4: Remote Sensing)
                               "Measurement of the contribution of street lighting to satellite observations of nighttime light emissions from urban areas" (Leon Gaster Award - Society of Light and Lighting 2021)


2019 - 2021:  M.Sc. Earth Surface Process Dynamics, University of Trier
                      Master thesis with Prof. Johannes B. Ries:
                      "Gully erosion in the Souss basin, South Morocco - Analysis of geomorphic dynamics via Structure-from-Motion"

2013 - 2019:  1. State Examination in Geography and NwT as teaching degree for highschool, University of Tübingen
                      Final thesis with Prof. Volker Hochschild:
                      "Comparison of several change detection methods for the usage of radar remote sensing of Earth's surface process dynamics"


The overarching goal of the project is to better understand how periodic changes in climate have influenced the evolution of landscapes and how that evolution may be best reconstructed from sedimentary deposits. We therefore develop and calibrate a numerical model as well as cosmogenic nuclide dating of fluvial terraces and alluvial fans to enhance our understanding of the interconnections between changes in river discharge, incision, sedimentation and formation of different landscapes along alluvial-river profiles. Field sites are the Patagonian foreland of the Andes and the Tien Shan, in Kyrgyzstan.

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