GFZ German research centre for geo sciences

Dr. Benjamin Brede

Dr. Benjamin Brede
Building A 17, Room 20.20 (Technikraum/Rechnerraum)
14473 Potsdam

Research Interests:

  • Vegetation characterisation based on proximal sensing, in particular terrestrial and UAV-based Lidar
  • Novel monitoring concepts for vegetation: monitoring lidar, GNSS-T VOD (global navigation satellite system - Transmissometry vegetation optical depth)


2022 - present: Postdoc, German Research Center for Geoscience (GFZ) Potsdam

2019 - 2022: Postdoc, Wageningen University & Research


2019: PhD in vegetation remote sensing, Wageningen University & Research

2015: MSc in Geo-information Science, Wageningen University & Research

2012: BSc in Geography, University of Marburg



2024 - 2029 HE NextGenCarbon, role: WP co-lead

2024 - 2028 HE RemoTrees, role: WP lead

2022 - 2029 HE FORWARDS, role: member

2021 - 2025 COST 3DForEcoTech, role: member

2019 - 2024 ESA IDEAS-QA4EO, role: WP lead


2019 - 2023 ESA FORESTSCAN, role: WP co-lead

2021 - 2022 ESA TomoSense, role: WP lead

2018 - 2022 COST SENSECO (Optical synergies for spatiotemporal SENsing of Scalable ECOphysiological traits), role: member

2015 - 2019 ESA IDEAS+, role: WP lead

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