Dr. Robert Behling
A 17,
01.13 (Büro)
Function and Responsibilities:
Scientific Developer & Project Lead at GFZ Helmholtz Innovation Lab - FERN.Lab.Research Interests:
My research interests are application-oriented, multidisciplinary and multi-scale, using remote sensing data to develop methods for analyzing the dynamics of the Earth's surface in time and space to address environmental issues. A particular interest is to use the vast but heterogeneous remote sensing data in a synergistic way to work hypothesis-driven to answer pressing questions in diverse fields such as natural hazards, nature conversation, agriculture, urban ecology and water management in different areas and across spatial and temporal scales around the world. As part of FERN.Lab, a special interest is devoted to knowledge and technology transfer between research and industry, government, and NGOs through the development of operational remote sensing data products and services.
- FERN.Lab: Knowlede and Technology Transfer of remote sensing data and methods
- CropClass: Early crop type mapping with Deep Learning and fusion of optical and radar remote sensing data
- WeMonitor: Weakly Supervised Deep Learning Models for Detecting and Monitoring Spatio-Temporal Anomalies in Optical and Radar Satellite Time Series
- SaWaM: Seasonal Water Resources Management in Semi-arid Regions: Application-oriented Transfer of Regionalized Global Information
- GeoMultiSens: Big Data Methods for multi sensor processing of Earth observation data
- GeoArchives - Signals of Climate and Landscape Change preserved in Southern African GeoArchives
- PROGRESS: Potsdam Research Cluster for Georisk Analysis, Environmental Change and Sustainability