GFZ German research centre for geo sciences

Dr. Yuankun Xu

Building A 17, Room 01.14 (Büro)
14473 Potsdam

Function and Responsibilities:

Visiting scientist

Research Interests:

Multi-sensor remote sensing and geodesy
Mechanics of landslides and debris flows
Numerical modeling of mass movement


2023-present     Research scientist affiliate, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA
2022-present     Postdoctoral researcher, University of California Berkeley, USA
2021                    Postdoctoral fellow, Southern Methodist University, USA
2017-2021          PhD student, Southern Methodist University, USA


2022-2025    Incorporating multi-sensor remote sensing for landslide kinematics characterization and hydromechanical modeling. Funded by NASA
2022-2023    How do slow-moving landslides put on the brakes? Funded by Esper Larson Jr. Fund
2019-2022    Using P-band AirMOSS to assess hazards of densely-vegetated deep-seated landslides in the Pacific Northwest. Funded by NASA
2017-2022    Development of an incorporated platform to characterize hydrology-driven landslide hazards in northwestern US. Funded by NASA

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