GFZ German research centre for geo sciences
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Martin Herold standing in front of the library on the Telegrafenberg

‘We need to focus more on land use change,’ says Prof Martin Herold in an interview on the occasion of the 29th Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change COP29 in Baku

Many people are listening to a presentation in the GFZ lecture hall.

At the 22nd Autumn School of the GFZ School Lab, scientists from various research institutions offered training to around 100 teachers on the topic of ‘Urban spaces: hotspots in the Earth system’.

Portrait photo: A woman with long hair and fringes and a striped top stands in front of green trees.

In the EU project GERACLE, an international team coordinated by the GFZ will investigate consequences of polarity reversals in the Earth's magnetic field. 3.3 of 10 mio euros will go to the GFZ.

Screenshot from the live switch: A man and a woman stand on the roof of a building and explain a drone. An autumnal forest in the background.

Twitch streamer Sofia Kats & Felix Pohl from the UFZ reported live in a new format of science communication - about drones & satellites, mountain formation & earthquakes. Watch the video here.

Both scientists sitting on stools in front of a wall of books in the Telegrafenberg library

In an interview, GFZ Scientific Director Susanne Buiter and Wolfgang zu Castell, Department Director Geoinformation, explain the background to the ‘Declaration on Research Assessment’ (DORA).


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