GFZ German research centre for geo sciences

The main objective of the proposed project is to develop a generic UCG-CCS site characterisation workflow, and the accompanying technologies, which would address the dilemma faced by the proponents of reactor zone CO2 storage, and offer technological solutions to source sink mismatch issues that are likely to be faced in many coalfields.

The main objective of the ProSalz project is to substantially improve the process understanding of reactive multi-phase flow in the transition zone between the salt cavern and the solid salt rock to facilitate a safe long-term retention of geogenic salt caverns within the Zechstein.

The project brings together already existing expertise distributed at the different Helmholtz Centers and aims at developing transferable data science methods and softwarein a unified manner ...

The main objective of the GEOSMART project is to develop a site-independent concept for risk analysis in hydrothermal and petrothermal energy recovery as well as the geological storage of fluids within the geological subsurface.

M4ShaleGas steht für die Messung, Überwachung, Minderung und Bewältigung der Umweltauswirkungen von Schiefergas und wird durch das Horizon 2020 Forschungs- und Innovationsprogramm der Europäischen Union finanziert. Das Hauptziel des M4ShaleGas-Projekts ist die Untersuchung und Bewertung potenzieller Risiken und Auswirkungen der Exploration und Gewinnung von Schiefergas.

Since 2004, research on the storage of CO2 in a deep saline aquifer is being conducted at the Ketzin pilot site in Brandenburg. The CO2 injection was successfully carried out between June 2008 and August 2013 and accompanied by one of the world's most extensive monitoring programs.

The planned increase of solar and aeolic within the german energy mix is confronted with large fluctuations in electricity production due to fluctuating saisonal and metereological conditions. A boost of electricity networks' capacity, as well as of the technology for conversion and storage of excess electricity is therefore extremely important. Given the current german energy mix, which is mainly sustained by electrification of fossil fuels and controlled nuclear fission, the storage of large amounts of energy has not been a relevant issue ...

Carbon Dioxide-Storage in Eastern Brandenburg: Implications for Geothermal Potential and Concept for an Early Warning System for Salt Water Intrusions into Groundwater ...

CO2CARE (CO2 Site Closure Assessment Research) deals with the development of technologies and procedures to ensure a safe and sustainable closure of CO2 storage sites...

Since 2004, research at the Ketzin test site in Brandenburg is going on in order to improve the scientific understanding of CO2 storage in a saline aquifer...

The goal of the CO2RINA-project is to develop a universal concept for risk analysis of CCS projects. The implementation of numeric procedures and the demonstration of the operability of the new concept in a showcase scenario will provide a valuable tool for future CCS projects.

In the course of climate change mitigation and limitation of natural resources an increasing interest in different subsurface activities has been observed in Europe, such as carbon capture and storage (CCS), geothermal energy production / storage and unconventional gas exploration (“hydro-fracking”)...

"The three-year European SiteChar project (FP7), dedicated to set the criteria for characterisation of sites for geological storage of CO2, was launched in January 2011...

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