GFZ German research centre for geo sciences

Recorder / DATA-CUBE3

The DATA-CUBE3 recorder (800 units) is a stand-alone 3-channel digital data recorder characterized by a small and light-weight design and extremely low power consumption. It is an advancement of the DSS CUBE recorder developed at the GFZ. Internal and external batteries can be used thus making it a versatile instrument for both controlled source applications and passive seismics. High timing accuracy is provided by build-in GPS. A version with external GPS antenna and solely external battery is also available (163 units).
Data is accessible via USB-based download. (more information)

Experiment preparation

In the field - DOWNLOAD and PRINT OUT !!!

       Print all documents before the deployment.
       Print more then one "Cube Error Report".
       Report all problems to us by using the report sheets.

       If necessary DOWNLOAD following optional software.

CUBE Rawdata conversion

       To convert CUBE Rawdata to other formats use: 


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