Aim of this controlled source seismic project is to gain insight into the structure of the Carboneras fault zone, an exhumed fault zone in south-east Spain, and to reveal the physical properties of both the fault zone material and the host rock. In 2009 several shallow refraction and refraction seismic profiles were conducted at different locations crossing the fault zone. For these experiments, small explosives charges, sledge hammer and an accelerated weight drop were used as seismic sources. The focus of the second part of the investigation in 2010 is on the observation of explosion generated fault zone guided waves. The seismic measurements will be complemented by field geological work and lab analysis.
Time Frame
- 05/2009 - 06/2009
- 05/2010 - 06/2010
Principal Investigators
- Andreas Rietbrock (Uni Liverpool)
- Christian Haberland (GFZ Potsdam)
Methods & Equipment
- Geometrics Geodes, DSS-Cubes, accelerated weight drop
- Traveltime tomography, reflection seimics, fault zone guided waves