This project is part of an integrated geothermal exploration concept, which includes structural geology, geochemistry, and seismology for the geothermal field near Sipoholon, North Sumatra Province, Indonesia
The main aim of this project is to study electrical properties of black shales on rock samples and on a regional scale using the magnetotelluric method.
The research in GeoEn concentrates on energy production of fossil and renewable geo-resources. Technologies and solutions include CO2 capture and storage, unconventional gas resources and geothermal energy. Understanding the complexity of the underlying geological systems requires a wide spectrum of geo-scientific methodologies.
The Helmholtz-Alberta-Initiative (HAI) is a joint Canadian-German research programme with special focus on georessources, energy development and environmental sustainability. One sub-project deals with the geothermal potential of the Alberta basin. Our contribution builds on a re-processing of pre-existing seismic reflection data measured within the LITHOPROBE programme.